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Productive Robotics Careers
We're creating the next generation of collaborative robots.
We're looking for ambitious and focused individuals who are driven, forward thinkers, creative problem solvers, and want to join a team with limitless potential. We are on our way to incredible growth, changing the way American businesses compete in the world.
If you’re the type of person who is passionate, thinks outside of the box, goal-oriented, and wants to join in on the excitement, we want to meet you!
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HOW IS OB7 DIFFERENT FROM OTHER COLLABORATIVE ROBOTS?OB7 uses patent pending “teach without programming”. The user does not have to code or program. You show OB7 the job and it learns both simple and complex jobs within minutes. It then saves and recalls stored automation jobs for use in the future. OB7 also has 7 joints, like a human arm. It has more freedom of movement (called degrees of freedom) so it is more maneuverable than most collaborative robots. It can reach around objects and obstacles in work areas that are not possible for cobots with fewer axes.
HOW IS "TEACHING OB7" DIFFERENT FROM "EASY PROGRAMMING"?"We at Productive Robotics believe that “easy programming” is only “easy” for programmers. Therefore, OB7 requires NO user programming. Common steps in a job, like opening a door, or pushing a button, are built in to OB7. Simply show OB7 what to do. OB7 learns in minutes and it remembers the automated jobs for future use. This is true for simple to complex jobs. This ease increases user comfort, acceptance, and confidence.
HOW DO I MAKE OB7 DO WHAT I WANT IT TO DO?Simply show the robot how to do the job, by moving it through the necessary steps. Specifics like the number of parts to put in a box, or how high to stack them can be entered on the tablet.
DOES OB7’s “NO PROGRAMMING” MAKE IT LESS CAPABLE THAN ROBOTS WITH PROGRAMMING?NO. “No Programming” means that you “show” OB7 the required moves. There is no limit to to the number of steps or complexity of the process that OB7 is learning. For operations that don’t involve moving (e.g. signaling an external device or pausing for something), “tell” OB7 what to do. “Telling OB7” involves touching an icon on the tablet.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO "TEACH" OB7 A SIMPLE TASK?"One minute. No programming is required. Simply show the robot how to pick up and place the part.
WHAT TRAINING IS REQUIRED TO USE OB7?Very little. Basic teaching and operation of the robot is simple and quick to learn. A comprehensive manual and free telephone technical support is always available.
WHAT DOES "OB7" MEAN?"The seven (7) in “OB7” represents the number of movable joints in the robot.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A 7 "AXIS" (joint) vs. A 6 "AXIS" ROBOT?"OB7 has 7 joints, like a human arm, so it is more maneuverable than traditional collaborative robots. This makes OB7 highly versatile. It can reach around objects and obstacles in work areas which is not possible with fewer axes. It flexibly performs tasks such as loading or unloading parts around a machine door, or in tight work areas. Each of OB7's 7 joints can rotate 360 degrees in both directions for unmatched maneuverability. One example is when tending a machine such as a CNC machine. 7 joints allow the robot to be placed to the side of the loading door instead of directly in front of it. This allows a person better access to the machine without having the robot in the way.
HOW MUCH WEIGHT CAN OB7 LIFT?OB7 has a payload of 5 kg which is equal to about 11 lbs. OB7-Stretch has a payload of 4kg which is equal to about 8.8lbs. OB7 Max 8 has a payload of 8kg which is equal to about 17lbs. OB7 Max 12 has a payload of 12kg which is equal to about 26lbs.
CAN OB7 DO MORE THAN ONE PRODUCTION TASK?YES. OB7 requires simple setup and minimal learning time. It can perform small or large batch jobs. It easily rolls in to existing production lines or machines. After learning each job, OB7 remembers the jobs for next time.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT "OB7 CAN AUTOMATE YOUR EXISTING PRODUCTION?""OB7 can tend machines and processes that have been formerly tended manually. For example, OB7 can be taught to load and unload parts from a machine, to pack items in a box, or perform product assembly. Adding OB7 to tend a machine will maximize machine utilization and up-time, and can often run “lights out” after everyone goes home. It can operate 24 hours/7 days a week. It also produces real time production data and information.
ARE THERE PROGRAMMING "TEMPLATES"?"“Templates” are used by some robots and computer programs in an attempt to simplify complex programming. OB7 does not require templates because its functions don’t require traditional programming.
DOES OB7 ARRIVE ALL SET UP?OB7 arrives fully assembled. The OB7 stand from Productive Robotics requires some minimal assembly (approximately 20 minutes).
IS IT DIFFICULT TO INSTALL OB7?In general, OB7 does not require “installation”. Simply roll OB7 up to the work area, lower its feet, and teach it the job.
CAN OB7 BE MOUNTED ON SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE STANDARD STAND?YES. OB7 can be mounted to a table, a machine, a wall, or upside down from a ceiling. No programming is required for alternate mountings. OB7 recognizes where it is mounted and adjusts automatically.
HOW DO I PURCHASE AN OB7 ROBOT?Please contact us to talk directly with Sales. We will be sure to get you everything you need to get OB7 working for your business.
WHAT GRIPPERS ARE COMPATIBLE WITH OB7?OB7 can be used with:OB7-PG1 gripper, Robotiq 2 finger-82, Robotiq 2 finger-140, Robotiq parallel gripper; Schunk collaborative gripper, On-Robot brand grippers, Phd brand grippers, and most other collaborative grippers. Also, any gripper with an ISO9409 mounting as specified (ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6) can mount on OB7.
I'VE READ ABOUT ROBOTS BEING HACKED. IS OB7 PROTECTED AGAINST HACKERS?Absolutely! All the network ports into OB7 are locked to prevent access.
HOW SAFE IS IT TO WORK ALONGSIDE OB7?OB7 is safe because it has built in force sensing. If the robot bumps into anything it automatically stops. To put OB7 back to work, simply give it a tap.
DOES OB7 MEET INTERNATIONAL SAFETY STANDARDS FOR COLLABORATIVE ROBOTS?YES. OB7 works safely without guarding. It is fully compliant with ISO 102018-1 safety requirements.
WHERE IS OB7 MADE?OB7 is made in America. It is designed and manufactured in Santa Barbara, California.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN INDUSTRIAL ROBOT AND A COLLABORATIVE ROBOT?Industrial robots are generally used in high volume manufacturing environments, requiring extensive setup and programming (sometimes taking months to complete). They lack force sensing capabilities required to allow them to operate safely among people. That is why they are locked in cages to keep people away from them. Industrial robot installations always require complicated programming and integration capabilities. Collaborative robots are more easily programmed so they are more flexible. They are designed to work safely with humans. They have force sensing capabilities necessary to have the robot stop when it bumps into something (e.g. a person). OB7 takes Collaborative Robotics to new heights by eliminating all forms of traditional programming.
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